Home Uncategorized The Poppy and the Sunflower by Jess Reed

The Poppy and the Sunflower by Jess Reed


The sunflower always puts a smile on your face,

Deceivingly strong and grounded well in its place.

A reliable source to all its surrounds,

Beams with life through its yellow crown.

Fully open and reaches for the sun,

wears its heart for all to see, so beautiful and fun.

The poppy though, tricks itself with colours bright,

But get too close and you’ll get a fright.

Opium lies beneath its flimsy hat,

Weak and unsure of where it’s really at.

The poppy always chooses a hard path, you’ll see her on the hard shoulder,

The sunflower gets tended to, to see her is to hold her.

But together they are perfection, and each other they truly need.

The sunflower cant get too far anyway the poppy is half weed.

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