Home Travel Berlin Travel Review

Berlin Travel Review


By Magenta Kate Edwards, speaking to our editorial staff.


Berlin, Capital of Germany. Some of the classical buildings have been restored to their former glory.



Travel for the Berlin tourist is very simple with a good service provided by taxis, buses, and trams. Like wise the youth hostel, which allows patrons to take in their own food supplies and was good value.



“The locals were very easy to talk to and some have stayed friends on Facebook since we returned.”



Were there any sites of special interest? “Yep. We visited the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie.”



“Prices were reasonable with the beer cheap and clubs only 10 euros which allowed us a pass card to leave and return. The Techno was brilliant.”



Berlin 6


“There was really lots to do. Bars, walks, clubs and sights to see. We felt safe all the time.”


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