Home Show reviews-Brighton Horrible Histories

Horrible Histories




Tue 12 – Sat 16 April 2016



Groovy Greeks

Review by Andrew M Collins

The hugely popular and acclaimed novels and TV show are given the stage treatment at the Theatre Royal this week.

The books, written by Terry Deary, have been re-imagined for the stage to create a crazily fun, educational, whacky and cheeky 90 minutes of stage production.

Groovy Greeks covers everything from the Savage Spartans to the angry Athenians, and tells of the formation of the city states.

We learn what is was like to grow up in Greece, how the Olympic games originally weren’t all that Olympic, the first ever theatre play where no-one could see the actors faces, and all manner of intriguing details about early Greek life.

Four actors are transported back in time from the present day, and encouraged by the booming, flashing voice of Zeus, role play their way through significant times and events.

By the end of the first half, the brave Theseus has just entered the Minotaur labyrinth, trailing his ball of wool, fearing the ever louder roars of the monster. Will he survive his quest?

We would find out in the second half …… where things really got thrilling – and 3D.

This is where the really cool elements of the production came into play, as the actors played out in front of a 3D backdrop to astonishing and breathtaking effect.

The minotaur is slain, then we are onto the epic Trojan wars, starting with the infamous stand of the Spartans at Thermopylae pass.

Arrows whizz towards us, slicing through the air, as the brave Spartans try to keep the thousand of Persians at bay. The Trojan fleet rips into the Persian navy, tearing their ships apart. Shards of oars and wood fly towards us.

Contemporary pop culture is cleverly mixed into the play- the Simpsons, Casualty, Hunger Games and many more, so there are plenty of references to keep adults and children amused.

A wonderful ride through history, leaving in all the gory and yucky parts that children love so much.

Also running this week in conjunction with Groovy Greeks is Incredible Invaders – when the Celts were crunched by the ruthless Romans, which promised to be just as entertaining and memorable.

A real treat for all the family. Only three days left so hurry!


Groovy Greeks times: THURSDAY – 1.30PM, FRIDAY 7.00pm, SATURDAY 2.30pm

Incredible Invaders times: TURSDAY 7.00pm, FRIDAY 10.30am, SATURDAY 7.00pm

Call 0844 871 7650 or visit www.atgtickets.com/brighton

or visit the box office in person (open Mon – Sat 10am – 8pm, 6pm close on non-performance days)

Original Preview

Groovy Greeks

image from Horrible Histories
Viking Invaders

Tue 10.30am, Wed & Fri 7pm, Thu 1.30pm, Sat 2.30pm


Incredible Invaders

Tue & Wed 1.30pm, Thu – Sat 7pm, Fri 10.30am


Thousands of years after the Ruthless Romans, Savage Saxons & Vicious Vikings stormed ashore on the coast of Britain and the Gruesome Greeks competed in the first ever Olympic Games, you can relive those horribly exciting times by bringing your family to see Birmingham Stage Company’s brand new Horrible Histories stage shows.


BSC, who recently presented the wonderful Gangsta Granny, are returning to Theatre Royal Brighton with  their new Horrible Histories stage shows, Incredible Invaders and Groovy Greeks.

Horrible Histories

As with their previously hugely popular Horrible Histories productions, both these shows use actors and 3D Bogglevision special effects.


In INCREDIBLE INVADERS the Celts are crunched when the Ruthless Romans invaded Britain. Can crazy Caratacus can save the nation? Hide behind Hadrian’s Wall and witness the Savage Saxons smash their way in. Can you stop King Alfred burning his buns? Discover who’s at Sutton Hoo and survive the Vicious Vikings as they sail into the audience. It’s a thousand year journey with Incredible Invaders!


image from Horrible Histories
Greek Philosophers



GROOVY GREEKS takes us from savage Sparta to angry Athens to discover the truth about growing up in Greece. Take on the Trojans and pummel the Persians! Compete in the first ever Olympic Games and appear in the very first play!  Meet your match with the Minotaur and be zapped by Zeus! Hold on tight as you gatecrash the gruesome and Groovy Greeks!


It’s history with the nasty bits left in!


Writer and Director Neal Foster said today: “I had a hugely exciting time bringing the Groovy Greeks to life in Horrible Histories style and loved shining the spotlight on Celtic, Roman, Saxon and Viking life in Incredible Invaders. Both shows feature special amazing 3D effects that provide a spectacular way for both children and adults to enter these extraordinary historical periods”


image from Horrible Histories
Saxon Invaders cooking



Designed to both entertain and educate their audiences from ages 5 to 105! Come and goggle at the goings on of those Groovy Greeks and let the Incredible Invaders ignite your imaginations to learn more about our island’s early history.



0844 871 7650***

(bkg fees apply)

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