Home News News-Brighton Brighton & Hove’s New Council Leader- Nancy Platts

Brighton & Hove’s New Council Leader- Nancy Platts



mage of Nancy Platts leader of Brighton & Hove City Council
Nancy Platts leader of Brighton & Hove City Council

Nancy Platts- Brighton’s new Council leader is truly a force to be reckoned with.

A champion of the Firefighters’ Brigade, Cllr Platts convincingly won the East Brighton by election in February 2018. 

image of Nancy Platts leader of Brighton & Hove City Council
Nancy Platts leader of Brighton & Hove City Council

Now in her second year of being a councillor she has swept the board to take top place as leader of the B&H’s 20 Labour councillors.

The Greens came a close second with 19 seats and the Tories have still a respectable 14 with one independent.

it is a big achievement of Labour to have encouraged so many new faces, and enabled them to succeed within its party’s ranks.

If their councillors work tirelessly for the benefit of residents they should be given every encouragement to succeed.

Cllr Nancy Platts has all the hallmarks of a great leader in that she listens as well as believing passionately in her causes.

Let us hope she rises to our expectations and lifts our fabulous city to new heights.

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