Peter Kyle MP
By William Mills
Today we interviewed Labour’s Peter Kyle, new MP for Hove and surprise winner in the otherwise Tory dominated South East.

Speaking exclusively from the Terrace of the House of Commons Peter Kyle said;
I’m supporting Liz Kendall because she is running to be Prime Minister of this country, and not just leader of the Labour Party, and she is addressing the issues that voters in my constituency told me during the campaign were important to them.
She is the best hope in my view that Labour has of reconnecting with the voters.
Although it is a great privilege to be here in Westminster representing the people of Hove and Portslade, I can’t wait to get back home in order to deal with local issues affecting the lives of my constituents.
Roger Amerena
Mr Kyle also met with with Roger Amerena, Brighton & Hove Heritage Commissioner, in order to be updated on the progress of the new museum being built in Portslade’s old Police station as well as on other heritage and conservation matters which he also supports.

Peter Kyle is one of the most promising of Labour’s new MPs. He comes across as a clear cut, clean living level headed young man who is a refreshing departure from those who came before him.