Home News News-Brighton Labour Calls Greens To Order

Labour Calls Greens To Order


 Brighton Town Hall

In response to Saturday’s news that the Green Party voted to set an illegal budget for Brighton and Hove City Council, Councillor Warren Morgan, Leader of the Labour and Co-operative Group, said:

Cllr Warren Morgan
Cllr Warren Morgan

The Green Party has descended into farce, with members calling on Green councillors to either vote against the Green Budget proposals and set an unlawful Budget, or resign. Caroline Lucas needs to come clean over her role in this absurd process and whether she voted for this irresponsible course of action that would hand the running of the city to the Tory government.”

Where this leaves the Conservatives, who were going to abstain and allow the Greens’ 6% Council Tax increase to go through is anyone’s guess. If elected in May, Labour will end this nonsense and get on with the job of running the city properly.”

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