By William Mills
The Green Party annual conference got off to an excellent start at Brighton’s Hotel Metropole yesterday.
Their publicity team gave a professional and interesting briefing followed by a panel of councillors giving their mid term report on the fortunes of Brighton & Hove City Council.
They were led by Cllr Jason Kitcat, leader of Brighton & Hove City Council, ably supported by deputy leaders Cllr Lizzie Deane and Cllr Ian Davey.
Given that the Green led minority administration is battling Government spending cuts and Whitehall interference, Cllr Kitcat gave a fighting talk.
After lunch Green Party leader Natalie Bennett was the first main speaker.
At 4.15 pm by the conference highlight speech for many given by the Green’s only Westminster MP, Caroline Lucas.
Her well rehearsed speech, covering many topics, received a standing ovation from the audience. After leaving the stage she returned to do an encore to everyone’s delight rather like a popular theatre actress.