Home News News-overseas No Christmas Truce For ISIL

No Christmas Truce For ISIL


By William Mills

British forces have kept the pressure on Islamic Terrorists over the Christmas break.

Iraq, Syria

On Christmas Day, Tornado GR4s operating out of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus fired two Brimstone missiles at an ISIL guardpost near Al Qaim on the border between Syria and Iraq. A second pair of GR4s operating further east  struck two ISIL vehicles concealed amidst trees on farmland by the Euphrates, south of the Hadithah Dam.


Reaper Remotely Piloted Air System
Reaper Remotely Piloted Air System

Then on 28 December, an RAF unmanned drone  provided support to the Kurds further north. After a coalition air strike on 3 ISIL  heavy machine-gun positions, the Reaper then mounted 2 strikes of its own using Hellfire missiles against the enemy.


An RAF Voyager air-to-air refuelling tanker provided further air support, whilst on the ground a British Army team helped local volunteers with infantry training.



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