Home Brighton Entertainment Brighton in January

Brighton in January


Britain was cold and crisp on this January morning but there is no better way to spend the day than visiting Brighton in the company of Karma our new model!

Karma outside the Royal Pavilion Brighton
Karma outside the Royal Pavilion Brighton


The Royal Pavilion is always a good starting point for a walk around town. During winter is hosts an ice skating rink and the historical part is opening to the public.


image of model Karma in the Pavilion Gardens Brighton
In The Pavilion gardens


Across the main seafront road and down towards the beach there are lots of cafes and small shops under the Arches.


image of model zipping her boot
Karma outside the Arches on the seafront


Even in January there is plenty to see……


image of model looking into old fishing boat on Brighton seafront
The old fashioned fishing boat


A little further along are the modern sailing dinghies with their dacron and kevlar ropes.


Karma Lee 5


Before any sailing trip it is always important to check out the rigging and make sure everything is shipshape.

image of model examining a dinghy's rigging
Checking the rigging to ensure all is shipshape


So all in all lots to do and new places to visit.


Image of model outside Brighton Sailing Club's seafront home




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