Home News Brighton Council Wins Gay Competition

Brighton Council Wins Gay Competition


Best in Show! Council LGBT float comes first in Pride parade

The council’s Lesbian Gay Bi-Sexual and Transgender, (LGBT), Workers’ Forum has just received the coveted Rainbow Fund Award for best float in Pride 2015.

The Rainbow Fund medal was presented to BHCC LGBT Workers Forum last Tuesday.

At a special award ceremony at the Hilton Metropole where a number of people, organisations and groups are acknowledged who work so hard to make Brighton & Hove Pride the biggest and best in the county.

Over 100 staff from across the council, their friends, allies and family, volunteered in the parade and on the float.

The float was themed as ‘Henri Rousseau does Rio!’ with everyone dressed up in colourful carnival costumes, celebrating diversity in the city and across the world.

People of all ages enjoyed the day, with under 18’s and staff from the council supported ‘RUOK?’ project parading for the first time.

The oldest person on the float was 86 year old Lynn, and the youngest was two month old baby Anphi with her proud family.  

Council LGBT Community Safety Officer and float organiser, Eric Page, said:

“Everyone had such a great time on the procession and we are so proud to have won best float this year. Our thanks go to Pride for organising such a superb LGBT celebration for the city.”

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