Home News News-Brighton Gay Pride-Saturday and Sunday

Gay Pride-Saturday and Sunday


By William Mills

After the Gay Pride Parade swept its way though Brighton’s town centre on Saturday there was an after party in St James’s Street in the evening and continuing again on Sunday.

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The good weather helped get the party swinging with a good atmosphere lasting most of the weekend. Some bars struggled to get enough trade while others, notably those that had arranged outside entertainment were choca.

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Rock Place proved to be a well organised, well attended venue.

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By evening the party was in full swing but the crowds were manageable with railings and council staff at the top and bottom of residential streets. The Policing was also first rate.

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Sunday morning was calm giving residents a chance to tidy up before the restart at 2 pm. Again the good weather set the mood. A worker in Morrisons, the large supermarket at the beginning of St James’s Street said alcohol sales had been high with a few people refused as they were drunk already. Many choosing to drink outside rather than pay pub prices.

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Many enjoyed a picnic in the park, New Steine Gardens.

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The centre of St James’s Street was packed by mid afternoon.

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Camelford Street was busy….

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By dusk on Sunday the council were moving in with a big clean up. It was well organised and many people wisely decided it was time to call it a day and go home.

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A big thank you is due to all who helped make this a safe, enjoyable event.

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However a number stayed on drinking. Residents were facing a second night of sleep disruption. Many say that having got the party set up why not keep going all weekend? But most weekend visitors who are usually flush with goodwill and cash on Saturday are running out of both by Sunday. Then tiredness makes tempers flare resulting in having to talk to the Police.

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