Home News Eastbourne Police Tackle Cycling On Pavements

Eastbourne Police Tackle Cycling On Pavements



On Monday (13 October) Eastbourne Borough Council and  Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) worked together to tackle the issue of cycling on pavements in  Eastbourne.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACycling on footpaths has become a contentious issue in Eastbourne, and Section 72 of the Highways Act 1835 makes it an offence to “wilfully ride a pedal cycle on a footpath made for the accommodation of foot passengers.” Anyone caught doing so risks a fixed penalty of £50.
Terminus Road is a particularly busy area and there is little room for bicycles to be ridden there.
PCSO Zoe Ayres said: “We are trying to educate people rather than use enforcement, although penalty tickets were issued.
“Some 15 people were spoken to about cycling in the pedestrian area and advised to ride on the road for pedestrian safety.
“I would like to ask all cyclists to be mindful of where and how they cycle, and not to ride on pavements unless there is a dedicated cycle path.”
Similar events are being planned for other parts of Eastbourne. If you would like to speak to your local officer concerning issues that surround this topic, please visit: www.sussex.police.uk/help-centre/your-local-district/eastbourne
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