Home Gardening Greenfingers 29- Autumn Flowers

Greenfingers 29- Autumn Flowers


By William Mills

As autumn draws on with dark dank days ahead there is no better way to brighten up ones home than with a lovely bunch of flowers.

Returning home after a visit to my favourite florists I became flushed with enthusiasm as to just how gorgeous a bunch of flowers actually looks in one’s front room.

Greenfingers-Autumn Flowers

Buying the flowers was really good fun. I learnt so much chatting with the staff about which colours reflect the season’s mood, and they really knew their stuff.


The dark richness of the oak leaves are a perfect backdrop to the warmth of the Chrysanthemums, which were originally from China and wonderfully decorative with their daisy-like florets, with the Calla Lily lightening the visual effect.

Dill  Calla Lily

The Dill gives the room a wonderful earthy sensation encouraging visitors to feel a sense of peace and harmony.

Flowers should have their stems cut to the appropriate length for your vase. It is an idea to cut one to just the right length and use it as a yardstick for the others. Filling the vase with water not only prolongs the life of the flowers but also acts as ballast to prevent the display from tipping over.

Brassica Cabbage   Anthurium

Brassica Cabbage also adds to the warming feeling as does the Anthurium which should be handled with care as it is poisonous.

The Eucalyptus typically gives off its fresh aroma reminding us of the oil laden vapour which lingers over the Australian Blue Mountains which were named after this versatile plant.

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